Category Archives: advice

This is Your Life. Find a Passion and Pursue It.

As the semester’s end draws near, we’re only concerned with two things:

1. Finals and papers with impending due dates.

2. Being jealous of everyone whose already home and wanting to go home as soon as possible.

In doing so, we forget the real reason we came to college. We forget why we’re studying so hard, or rather procrastinating so much, because we just want our finals to be done so we can go home.

But I urge you to remember that college only happens once. Life only happens once. In the words of  Louise Carey, “Be happy. Live for today. And above all … make every moment count.” In the midst of your stress and packing, make time to enjoy the simple things in life. Take a study break to reminisce about your favorite freshman-year stories. Drink a glass of wine, even if it’s from a box of Franzia, and laugh until your stomach hurts. Dance like no one is watching. Follow the instructions of a YouTube video to give your roommate the perfect massage. Eat frosting out of a bowl. Play “never have I ever.” Carve your name into the kitchen table. Go to Denny’s at 1 AM.

College is only once. Life is only once. You should really make the most of it.

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think positively. give generously.

Worried about finals? Convinced that because stressed spells “desserts” backwards, you can eat all the candy and chocolate you want, but now you just feel tired and lazy? Well here are a few tips and stories that really improved my mood today!

1. A message from my roommate, dispelling the negative air in my household and cheering all of us on to think positively and push ourselves to do well:

“I will not stand for this negativity in my household. People would kill to be in our places. Danielle, you just had an interview with L’Oréal. That is AMAZING. Laurel already has a job at Target. Paris is interviewing for her dream animation job in Soho. Anna will be traipsing around France with an amazing internship. You are incredible people and studying for finals is going to pay off when you are able to work hard in your dream jobs. So YAY positivity!  Positive thinking yields positive results. Pure fact”.

2. My mom’s voicemail, telling me about a complete stranger that walked up to her today while on line at the Christmas Tree Shop and handed her a coupon for $10 off any purchase over $25. Apparently the store was mobbed with people, but this woman just so happened to pick my mom out of the crowd. My mom was so excited by this generous gesture, asking the woman why she had chose her out of everyone in line. The woman said she just felt this positive vibe emanating from my mom, telling her that she could really use the coupon. Interestingly enough, my mom was buying toys to donate to Toys for Tots. Isn’t that really great?! It’s pure proof that positive moods are socially contagious! My mom was doing something nice and feeling pretty good; this carried over to the other woman in the store, inspiring her to do something nice as well!

In a study conducted at Harvard University and the University of California, San Diego, researchers found that when a person becomes happy, a friend living close by has a 25 percent higher chance of becoming happy themselves. A spouse experiences an 8 percent increased chance and for next-door neighbors, it’s 34 percent. When one person becomes happy, the social network effect can spread up to 3 degrees – reaching friends of friends. So check it out. Who are you near? Are the people around you smiling?

3. The Free Hugs Campaign, an amazing, feel-good video, especially when you need a hug!

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Filed under advice, doings, YouTube

happiness is a choice

Okay, so I won’t get all preachy on you, but today’s post is a reminder to CHOOSE happiness. It’s YOUR life and YOUR choice. So always choose happiness.

After some recently stressful weeks at school, I’ve lost sight of this. I often get so wrapped up in my own little bubble of homework, clubs, classes, and meetings, that I don’t allow myself to be happy. I’ll blame it on just about everything but me. What I need to realize though, is that it is not about changing other people or even changing the situation, it’s about changing myself. I need to change my own perceptions, attitudes, and reactions before I can expect anything else to change. If I want happiness, I need to choose it. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s something I can do if that’s what I want. And I do. I want happiness.

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